Notts & Derby Regimental Badge

W Mitchell: The 12th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) was raised at Derby on the 1st of October 1914 as part of Kitchener’s Third New Army and joined 24th Division as army troops. They trained at Shoreham though the division suffered from a lack of equipment and a lack of trained officers and NCOs to command the volunteers. In April 1915 the 12th Sherwoods converted to be a Pioneer Battalion for same Division. In late June 1915 they moved to Aldershot for final training and they proceeded to France on the 29th of August. The Division concentrated in the area between Etaples and St Pol on the 4th September and a few days later marched across France into the reserve for the British assault at Loos, going into action on the 26th of September and suffering heavy losses. In 1916 they suffered in the German gas attack at Wulverghem and then moved to The Somme seeing action in The Battle of Delville Wood and The Battle of Guillemont. In 1917 they were in action at The Battle of Vimy Ridge in the Spring, The Battle of Messines in June – See more at:
Born: 1887 Wilfred was born on the 20th February in Greetland, Yorks, his parents were William Henry & Martha Ann Mitchell. Wilfred had three older brothers Joe, Herbert and Arthur.
1891 Census: The family were living at The Crescent, Elland-by-Greetland, Yorkshire.
1901 Census: The family are still living at the same address.
1911 Census: The family are now living at 23 Haugh Street, Greetland Yorkshire. Wilfred is working as a Printer. It was from this address that Wilfred enlisted into the ‘Sherwood Foresters’, he was however by this time working for the Buxton Advertiser and must have been lodging with his new wife in Buxton.
1911: Marriage to Florence Louisa Carter in October. St. Mary’s. Elland, Yorkshire.

Obituary from The Buxton Advertiser researched 2014
Private W. Mitchell
We regret to learn that Pte. W. Mitchell, who was a member of the Linotype Staff at the “High Peak News” and “Buxton Advertiser” Offices, died in action on the morning of the 25th inst. Sergeant G. Elliott, of the Sherwood Foresters, has written to Mrs Mitchell giving particulars and stating that the men of his platoon would miss him sadly, as he was always a good, cheerful soldier. His platoon officer would have written, but he got wounded the following night. Pte. Mitchell was buried by his comrades, and the place was marked with a cross, as befitted a man who died doing his duty. Wilfred Mitchell joined the staff of this Journal about seven years ago, hailing from Halifax, and had proved a decided acquisition, being a reliable and painstaking craftsman. He answered the call to arms under the Derby scheme, and was called up on the 1st June 1916. Wilfred was an ardent sportsman, a regular attender of the Buxton Cricket ground; a member of the Conservative Club and a billiard player of no mean order. We mourn his loss, and extend heartfelt sympathy to his young widow and relatives.